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When we think about the future, it is often in relation to a specific issue, a question or plan or hope or worry that we have. That question, plan, hope, worry is mediated by -- informed, influenced, affected by -- the concerns and worldview of the organization in which we are involved: family, company, agency, non-profit, volunteer assocation, what have you.
In turn, the worldview, issues, concerns, operational terms of any organization are influenced by the worldview and culture of the environment within which the organization operates.
What does that mean? Well, if you are an IBM programmer, you work within a culture distinct from that of, say, Apple; but you share the underlying concerns and concepts of the global computer industry.
Each of your libraries has its own set of concerns, which may specifically differ from that of say, a corporate librarian working for Enron -- but both of you could easily talk about general issues of change in the library profession over coffee at the next ALA.
It is the macro environment where the futurist offers help.