Who they are in 2030, cont’d….
They layer identities -- multiple cultures, many interests, nomadic careers, etc.
Post-millennial career women shatter the glass ceiling by getting more education than their brothers.
Gen Y is the “Participation Generation” -- tailoring products for themselves, collaborating on services they expect.
By 2005, Hispanic youth will overtake blacks to become the largest ethnic youth population , 17% of those under 18; by 2010, one kid in five will be Hispanic; proportion of white kids will have undergone 5% decrease.
Ben Gervey, Applied Research and Consulting in New York: Hispanic kids may consider their Hispanic heritage as being more or less central to their identity, but it is not their ONLY identity.” The next generation of Hispanic youth will keep a foot in both cultures.
57% of young women today between 13 and 20 expect to have career and family; only 9% of them agree that a woman’s place is in the home -- compared to 51% of 60-69 year-olds, and 68% of those over 70. They have experienced their mothers as strong, capable, leaders in public and business; Title IX sports; equality on the Internet.
They are used to choosing and manipulating their own experiences -- e.g., creating their own CDs and designing their own websites. Used to participation, collaboration, having more control. Must involve them in designs of programs for them.