Infinite Futures

1995 Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Research topic: "Futures Fluency: Explorations in Leadership, Vision, and Creativity" (Keywords: Leadership, Vision, Creativity, Alternative Futures).
1981 M.A. in Public Policy, Alternative Futures Option, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
1978 B.A. magna cum laude, Justin Morrill College at Michigan State University. Field: "Philosophy, Technology, and Social Change."

2001-2002 Fulbright Lecturer/Researcher, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku, Finland
Fall 2001 Visiting Lecturer, Public Health Leadership, University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas
1996-2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, Studies of the Future, University of Houston at Clear Lake
1995 Lecturer, International Space University, Strasbourg, France.
1993-present Sole Proprietor, Infinite Futures, consulting: futures research and facilitation.
1993-2000 Executive Board, World Futures Studies Federation.
1989-1995 Research Associate, Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
1989-1991 Course Director, World Futures Studies Federation Annual Futures Workshop at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.
1988-1995 Research Associate, Center for Development Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
6-11/1987 Deputy Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Development Planning Institute (Social Science Research Institute and Department of Urban and Regional Planning, The University of Hawaii at Manoa).
1985-1987 Consultant, The Asian Energy Security Project (AESP) and The OPEC Downstream Project (ODP) at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1984-1987 Researcher, Pacific International Center for High Technology Research (PICHTR).
1981-1985 Researcher, The OPEC Downstream Project (ODP) at the East- West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.


Foresight and Futures Studies:

worked with New Economic Foundation, London, to create handbook for futures-focussed community development planning, 1996; advised DEMOS (London-based policy research center) on scenario building for the U.K. National Health and Dental plans, 1996; designed a scenarios-and-vision-based strategic planning approach for the State of Hawaii Department of Health, 1995; drafted an emerging issues analysis for the Supreme Court of the State of Virginia, 1995; initiated and designed a "cyberspace" campus on the Internet for the University of Hawaii, September 1994; designed guidebook and training workshops in scenario-building for the Hawaii Community Services Council, October '93 through June '94; designed and implemented visioning workshop for the World Futures Studies Federation, September 1993; designed coursebook and long-range vision workshops for state courts, 1991-1992, with pilot workshops for the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida and the Supreme Court of Oregon; designed and developed workshop materials for both a scenario-building workshop and a preferred vision workshop for the Office of State Planning, State of Hawaii, September-November 1991; designed and coordinated a visioning workshop for the Hawaii Department of Health; designed alternative futures training for Micronesian diplomats (U.S. Foreign Service); developed alternative scenarios for international immigration, method: incasting (State Justice Institute); explored impacts of expanded satellite communications systems on Pacific island nation scientific productivity (U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Agency); evaluated alternative science and technology policies as basis for alternative Pacific island development scenarios (Pacific International Center for High Technology Research); analyzed and forecast natural gas trade, specifically focussing on Asia and the Pacific (U.S. Department of Energy).

Finland Futures Academy, 2002 -- taught an undergraduate introduction to futures studies course on-line; 1996 to 2000, taught six different graduate seminars in futures studies, including intro, research methods, systems analysis, facilitation, and world futures at the University of Houston - Clear Lake; prepared and delivered the "Introduction to Futures Studies," and "Introduction to Visioning" lectures for the International Space University's Summer Session and Master of Space Sciences programs; taught Political Science 171, "Introduction to Political Futuristics" (University of Hawaii); and taught integrated futures studies and planning during courses developed for the Asia-Pacific Development Planning Institute (U.S. A.I.D.).

facilitated the team visioning for the design projects of the the '95 International Space University Summer Session and the inaugural '95 Master's program; organized "Facilitators' Roundtable," a monthly colloquium series for professional facilitators and mediators in Hawaii (ongoing), 1994; facilitated community focus groups identifying natural resources, their uses, and potential use conflicts in North Kauai, 1994; facilitated Hawaii Community Services Council's scenario-building workshops, 1993-1994; facilitated World Futures Studies Federation's vision/planning activities, XIIth World Conference, September 1993; facilitated "PEACESAT Future Directions Workshop," October 1992; facilitated small group visioning sessions, "The Courts in the 21st Century" (State of Hawaii Judiciary); facilitated small group scenario building and plenary vision design for the Office of State Planning; facilitated a visioning workshop for the Hawaii Department of Health; facilitated alternative futures training for Micronesian diplomats (U.S. Foreign Service); and designed and facilitated the leaders' workshop in environmental futures envisioning, Republic of the Marshall Islands (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency).

Planning/Environmental Management:
developed and implemented a process for community input into a regional resource management plan for North Kauai, Hawaii, March 1994; assessed current analyses of El Nino Southern Oscillation impacts vis-a-vis Pacific Basin economies (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), November 1992; contributed to drafting the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Plan, December 1990; evaluated Hawaii State Coastal Zone Management Program, drafting policy and program suggestions, 1990; assessed and elaborated alternative scenarios for sea level rise in Pacific island nations, method: analytic hierarchy process (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency).

Technical Research:
analyzed oil spill impacts and current management strategies as relevant to Hawaii and the Pacific island micro-states (Office of State Planning, State of Hawaii); inventoried and analyzed research telecommunications patterns between Hawaii and the Pacific island nations (Pacific Basin Development Council); inventoried and analyzed Japan's LNG import facilities and subsidiary infrastructure (U.S. Department of Energy); compiled technical review of the international natural gas trade (Ministry of Planning, Kingdom of Sa'udi Arabia).

developed Task Force briefing papers for The Nature Conservancy's Alien Species Action Plan project, 1994; since 1987, edited Center for Development Studies working paper series; compiled, formatted, and edited the coursebook and final report for the Asia-Pacific Development Planning Institute (U.S. A.I.D.); from 1983 through 1987, edited project publications related to the OPEC Downstream Project and Asian Energy Security Project at the East-West Center, including OPEC, The Gulf, and The World Petroleum Market, Westview Press, 1983; from 1981 through the present, free-lanced as an editor.

rapporteured and edited workshop/discussion sessions of the Pacific Islands Network conference on Global Climate Change, September 1994; recorder, "El Nino Southern Oscillation Applications Workshop," sponsored by NOAA, October 1992; rapporteured and edited the proceedings of the State of Hawaii Office of International Relations conference, "The Oceans and the Environment: A Pacific Island Perspective," April 1992; organized, facilitated, and rapporteured the Pacific Basin Development Council's November 1991 Pacific Basin Oil Spill Response Capacity Workshop; rapporteured working sessions and panel sessions for the Pacific Telecommunications Conference, 1985-1988; rapporteured a variety of workshops and international conferences for the Resource Systems Institute, East-West Center, 1979-1983.

over seven years' experience in writing, acquiring, and administering research and educational grants totalling over $500,000; supervising both research and support staff; organizing and coordinating conferences, workshops, and lecture series.


Futures Studies:

Planning/Environmental Management:
Pacific Focus:

15 November 2001
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