9 February
redesign almost complete -- the skeleton is in place, and you get
to watch while it evolves muscles, sinews, guts, scales? feathers?
In short, all links now lead to pages, and those pages are increasingly
populated with essays, slide presentations, book reviews, course
syllabi, term definitions, anecdotes explaining origins of the work,
and more.
- delight * cite
* invite!
web outreach strategy: offer valuable and provocative work on
my website as thoughtware. express your appreciation of its value
by using the "SUPPORT
IF" button to pay me -- in an amount of your choosing
-- for anything you download from this site. At the least, use
the work provided here with the proper citations. At the
most, contact me and invite me to
work with you!
- essays:
you will find thinkpieces and articles, both new and old; different
muses inspired different pieces, and they are arranged accordingly,
with most recent at the top of each list, and oldest last (futures
work should be freshness dated!).
- tools:
toys! here you will find both my toybox and my toolchest: access
to step-by-step instructions, often written as participatory futures
workshop designs, for various futures research techniques: incasting,
futures wheels, cross-impact tables, futures/FAR tables, scenario
building, visioning, strategy formation. Great material for teachers
and trainers.
- resources:
here you can access book reviews, bibliographies, course syllabi,
and databases relevant to futures research and foresight -- and
I have fairly wide-ranging ideas about what might be relevant
to futures studies.
- links:
not exhaustive, the links listed here will take you to some of
the best web-based resources for futures studies, futures education
and training, futures research, and whatever else seems critical
and inspiring to me.
- activities:
page offers examples of the work I do -- and includes powerpoint
notes from keynotes, presentations, and lectures I have given.
- discussion
a question! start a debate! offer an image of the future! the
discussion space allows you to participate in our infinite futures.
- guestbook:
to offer a word of praise -- or suggest how I might make the site
more useful? sign the guestbook!
- site
for something in the site, and just can't find it? try using the
site keyword search.
- what's
your last visit has faded from memory, this will tell you what's
been added, and when.
- about
infinite futures:
raison d'etre, and my bio and CV.
- contact
infinite futures:
fax, and email(s).
- support
infinite futures:
your appreciation in hard currencies!